flower cordial recipe |
Here's the recipe I use for Elderflower cordial. Its so
simple to make and tastes extremely good. You must try it! The
elderflowers come out in late May and flower into June
20 elderflower heads
1 sliced lemon
1 sliced orange
2 tsp of citric acid (chemist should sell this)
1.5 kg (3.5 lbs) of sugar
1.2 ltr (2.5 pints) boiling water
1. Put all your ingredients in a bowl or bucket
2. Boil the kettle and measure out your boiling water. Then pour over the
3.Stir until sugar is disolved
4.cover with cloth
5. Stir two times a day for five days.
6. Strain through muslin cloth or a sieve
7.Bottle and refrigerate
Dilute 5 parts water and one part cordial to serve. Although sometimes i
like it neat! Enjoy!